Career Navigation and Alumni

Support families in our community today.

AVANCE’s holistic, multi-faceted, 2-generation programs yield measurable learning outcomes while building community and social capital. Our hallmark program is the Parent-Child Education Program (PCEP), an evidenced-based model of early intervention that focuses on the interdependent welfare of children, families, and the community. In addition to the core PCEP program, AVANCE-Austin offers additional programs including AVANCE to College, Summer Nutrition & Literacy, and Mamas Avanzando Alumni Program.

Mamas Avanzando Alumni Program

AVANCE-Austin developed the alumni group in response to families requesting additional resources beyond the nine-month Parent-Child Education Program, especially those that could help them further their individual development, parenting  and pathways to employment. In August 2017, we held our first event and have since held multiple, informative sessions. Topics range from civic engagement, stress management classes, leadership training, and parenting sessions.

Career Navigation Program

Our Career Navigator assists the entire family. One-on-one support and coaching is provided to navigate job and higher education, along with vocational program enrollment processes. AVANCE-Austin’s goal is for participants to not just enroll but retain and successfully complete programs like English as a second language (ESL), general equivalency diploma/high school, digital skills and adult education, and other workforce development and post secondary education programs. The Career Navigator also helps problem-solve with participants and create systems of support like host study circles to encourage participants to attend and continue their classes.