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AVANCE Offers a Variety of Programs with Measurable Outcomes
AVANCE’s holistic, multi-faceted, 2-generation programs yield measurable learning outcomes while building community and social capital. Our hallmark program is the Parent-Child Education Program (PCEP), an evidenced-based model of early intervention that focuses on the interdependent welfare of children, families, and the community. In addition to the core PCEP program, AVANCE-Austin offers additional programs including Triple P - Positive Parenting Practices, English as A Second Language, Summer Nutrition & Literacy, AVANCE Innovative Moms and Dads (AIMs) and Mamas Avanzando Alumni Program.
This diverse array of programs are grouped in three areas: Parenting, Child-focused and Parent-focused.
AVANCE’s three major program areas

- Parent-Child Education Program (PCEP)
- Triple P Home Based Parenting Program
- Summer Literacy and Nutrition Program
- Developmental screening
- Early Childhood Development Class
- English as Second Language (ESL)
- Entrepreneur and Business Ownership Program
- Financial Literacy
- AVANCE Alumni Program, Mamas Avanzando
- Information and referral